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Labour Department UIF (Payroll Deductions)

Labour Department UIF is a Government fund under the auspices of the Labour Department. UIF is a required statutory deduction. This is to assist people who lose their jobs or stop receiving their salary for a while due to a number of specific reasons. The management of this function is  one of the payroll services that is offered by Pay Solutions

Labour Department provides 5 types of UIF benefits: 

Unemployment Benefits: If you lose your job you must apply within 6 months of becoming unemployed.  You can claim benefits for up to 34 weeks (238 days).

Illness Benefits: If you are ill you can claim if you are unable to work for more than 14 days. This only applies if you are not receiving a salary or part of your salary from your employer. Illness benefits cannot be claimed if the contributor refuses to undergo medical treatment.

Labour Department, domestic workers UIF, UIF, maternity benefits, unemployment benefits, illness benefits, adoption benefitsMaternity Benefits: When you are due to have a baby you are entitled to 17 weeks (121 days) maternity benefits.  If you have had a miscarriage you can claim for 6 weeks (42 days).  Maternity benefits are separate from ordinary UIF benefits.

Adoption Benefits can be applied for when you adopt a child under the age of two years. This is only if you are on unpaid leave or receiving a portion of your salary while at home caring for the child.  Only one parent may claim.   Benefits are only payable if the child is adopted in terms of the Child Care Act. This applies only for  the period that the contributor was not working while caring for the child.

Dependant’s Benefits can be applied for if the person who has been financially supporting the household dies.

  1. The spouse of the deceased can claim the benefit even if he or she is employed.  The application must be made within 6 months of the date of the death of the deceased contributor.
  2. If the surviving spouse does not make an application within 6 months, then the following dependants may make a claim within 14 days after the 6-month period has expired:
  • Child under the age of 21 years
  • Any person under the age of 25 years who is a learner and who was wholly or mainly dependent on the deceased.

The Labour Department allows for benefits to be claimed for any period of unemployment lasting more than 14 days if:

  • The reason for the unemployment is the termination of a contract of employment.
  • Dismissal of the contributor
  • Insolvency of the employer
  • Application is made in accordance with the prescribed requirements
  • The contributor is registered as a work-seeker with a labour centre established under the Skills Development Act
  • The contributor is capable of and available for work.

Labour Department, domestic workers UIF, UIF, maternity benefits, unemployment benefits, illness benefits, adoption benefits

Domestic Workers UIF:

Domestic workers are now included in the UIF arena. This became effective from 1 April 2003 that all domestic workers be registered for UIF with the Labour Department. For more information on Domestic Workers UIF click the following links:

Labour Department website:


For all Labour Department and other related queries contact Pay Solutions for these payroll services.

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