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Employment Equity Submission 2016

Employment Equity Submission Deadline is the 15th January 2017

Stay on the right side of the law by submitting your online Employment Equity submission reports timeously thus ensuring your company remains compliant with the Department of Labour.

Employment Equity Submission

Frequently asked questions and answers

Who must report in 2016…?

  • All designated employers with 50 or more employees.
  • Employers with fewer than 50 employees who are designated in terms of the turnover threshold applicable to designated employers (Schedule 4 of the Employment Equity Amendment Act No. 47 of 2013).
  • Employers who have become newly designated on or after the first working day of April, but before the first working day of October, must only submit their first report on the first working day of October in the following year.
  • Employers who voluntarily wish to comply in terms of section 14 of the EE Act.
  • All designated employers must report annually irrespective of their size.

What are the benefits and what is the process of EE Online reporting?

  • Capture your Report piecemeal online and return to complete but not later than 15 January 2017.
  • Return later to change or edit your report.
  • Complete and save Employment Equity (EE) reports.
  • Print report for approval by CEO/Accounting Officer.
  • After completing your EE Report, please remember to press the “Submit” button.
  • Submit your EE report electronically to the Department of Labour by no later than 15 January 2017.
  • Receive a pdf copy of the EE reports after submission.
  • Receive an Acknowledgement letter.
  • No changes are allowed after submission.
  • NB: Note that status “completed but not submitted” doesn’t mean that you have complied with Section 21 until the submit button is pressed.

Some Important information:-

  • EE Reports will not be accepted by fax or email.
  • Check for incomplete sections or sections with errors.
  • In the case of Online submission, complete and finalise corrections in the EE Reports by no later than 15 January 2017.
  • Do not forget to press the submit button when your report is complete.
  • No Changes are allowed after submission.
  • A copy of the EEA2, EEA4 and the acknowledgement letter will be emailed to you after successful submission.
  • If you have not received the EE reports and acknowledgement letter in your Inbox, please check in the Junk mail/Spam folders (Move mail from the Junk mail/Spam folders to Inbox before opening the attachments).

Click here for access to the Department of Labour online submission portal –

Its not too late to submit, Pay Solutions HR experts are available to assist with any Employment Equity Submission queries. Give us a call today!