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Wholesale and Retail Wage Increase

Wholesale and Retail Wage Increase is effective from the 1st February 2017, read below on who this applies to.

Wholesale and Retail Wage Increase

Wholesale and Retail Wage Increase.

Sectoral Determination 9: Wholesale and Retail Sector

The employment of all wholesale and retail workers are governed by this legislation.

The determination sets –
  • minimum wages
  • working hours
  • number of leave days
  • termination rules


Sectoral Determination 9 applies to all employers and workers in the wholesale and retail sector, including those associated with-
  • merchandising,
  • warehousing, or
  • distribution operations.
The determination does not apply to workers who are covered by-
  • another sectoral determination, or
  • a bargaining council agreement.

The Basic Conditions of Employment Act applies in respect of any matter not covered by this sectoral determination.

Wholesale and Retail Wage Increase

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