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Special COVID-19 UIF grant to be extended

President Cyril Ramaphosa announced the special COVID-19 grant will be extended by three months. At the same time, the UIF TERS benefit scheme will continue for an additional month. This is a welcome relief for millions of people throughout South Africa

There is some hope for struggling workers and businesses who have not received money from the Unemployment Insurance Fund.

Employers will have until the end of October to submit their claims.

Payments stopped two weeks ago after the Auditor-General found millions awarded to ineligible people.

The Temporary Employee Relief Scheme (TERS) will resume this week.

In April, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced a R500-billion relief package to mitigate the effects of the lockdown.

Businesses were dealt a major blow when the Unemployment Insurance Fund suspended payments due to irregularities.

UIF acting-commissioner Marsha Bronkhorst said money is being recouped.

“People who were deceased were paid, people who were incarcerated were paid, children younger than 15 were paid. There were a number of challenges with the verification of identity numbers,” Bronkhorst said.