Address: 8 Houlton Drive, Palm Beach, 4275, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa | Tel: 031 702 0449 | Fax: 086 605 2670


SARS has improved eFiling and the MobiApp with several exciting innovations for Tax Season 2019 to make it simpler and more convenient for taxpayers to file an income tax return. To see an example of the new ITR12, click here. This year taxpayers who meet ALL of the following criteria need NOT submit a tax return:

  • Their total employment income for the year before tax is not more than R500 000
  • They only receive employment income from ONE EMPLOYER for the full tax year
  • They have no other form of INCOME (e.g. car allowance, business income, and rental income, taxable interest or income from another job)
  • They don’t have any additional allowable tax related deductions to claim (e.g. medical expenses, retirement annuity contributions and travel expenses).

Still not sure? Click here to see if you need to submit a return or not.

To further reduce unnecessary trips to SARS branches, taxpayers who are not required to file a return will receive a simulated outcome from SARS as if they had filed a return. The taxpayer can accept this outcome or update the return and file.

Income Tax Return submission dates

  • Tax Season 2019 starts on 1 August 2019 for non-provisional Individuals
  • Skip the queues and start filing via eFiling and MobiApp from 1 July 2019
  • Closing dates:
    • Branch filing closes on 31 October 2019
    • eFiling closes on 4 December 2019
    • Provisional taxpayers have until 31 January 2020 to file via eFiling.

Need to know