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Skills Development Planning 2016 – 2017

Now is the time to start Skills Development Planning 2016-2017 – Pay Solutions trained Skills Development Facilitators will assist with all aspects of Skills Development Planning.

Skills Development Planning

Legislative Training is vital in every organisation and must be stipulated as mandatory training, such as First Aid & CPR.


Global, millions of people die each year as a result of accidents or serious injury. Unfortunately many of those deaths could have been prevented had first aid been administered at the scene immediately, before the emergency services arrived. First aid, or emergency first aid is the care that is given to an injured or sick person prior to treatment by medically trained personnel. The aim of first aid is to prevent a deterioration of the patient’s situation, to aid recovery, and to preserve life. Technically, it is not classed as medical treatment and should not be compared to what a trained medical professional might do. First aid is a combination of some simple procedures, plus the application of common sense.

AIMS OF FIRST AID: To preserve life – this is the main aim of first aid; to save lives. This includes the life of the first aider, the casualty (the victim, the injured/sick person,) and bystanders.

To prevent further harm – the patient must be kept stable and his/her condition must not worsen before medical services arrive. This may include moving the patient out of harm’s way, applying first aid techniques, keeping him/her warm and dry, applying pressure to wounds to stop bleeding, etc.

Promote recovery – this may include applying a plater (bandage) to a small wound; anything that may help in the recovery process.

Skills Development Planning

WHAT ARE THE VITAL FIRST AID SKILLS? ABC (and sometimes D) The most common term referred to in first aid is ABC, which stands for Airway, Breathing, and Circulation and D stands for Deadly bleeding or Defibrillation.

Airway – the first aider needs to make sure the casualty’s airway is clear.  Breathing – when the first aider has determined that the airway is not obstructed, he/she must determine the casualty’s adequacy, and if necessary, provide rescue breathing.

Circulation – if the casualty is not breathing, the first aider should go straight for chest compression and rescue breathing.

Deadly bleeding or Defibrillation – Some organizations have this fourth step, while others include this as part of circulation.

CALLING THE EMERGENCY SERVICES: When dealing with a life threatening emergency, the numbers to dial are: 10177 – From a landline- or pay-phone. 112 – From your cell phone

Calling these numbers you will get through to the emergency call dispatch-center in the area you are calling from.

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