Address: 8 Houlton Drive, Palm Beach, 4275, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa | Tel: 031 702 0449 | Fax: 086 605 2670

Payroll Administrators Durban Christmas Wishes

Pay Solutions Payroll Administrators Durban team would like to wish you, your staff and your families a safe and joyous Holiday Season and a happy and prosperous New Year.

Pay Solutions would like to thank you and your staff for your valued support throughout 2015 – we look forward to working with you again in 2016!

Payroll Administrators Durban Christmas Wishes

Payroll Administrators Durban

Pay Solutions your ‘off-site’ HR and Payroll Administrators look forward to continuing doing business with you in 2016. Look out for updates, news, changes to legislation and more… all found right here on Pay Solutions News/Blog Posts. Click here for all Department of Labour information.