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Medical Aid Credits – Join Us For This Series – Week 1

Over the next few weeks Pay Solutions are going to discuss Medical Aid Credits, today we are looking at the background.

Medical Aid Credits


As a rule, expenditure of a domestic or private nature is not deductible for tax purposes. However, an individual’s ability to pay tax may well be adversely affected by costs incurred as a result of illness or disability.

  • For this reason, the Act provides a certain degree of relief for medical and physical impairment or disability expenditure paid by the taxpayer.
  • In an effort to achieve greater equality in the treatment of medical expenses across income groups, the previous allowance for medical scheme contributions (which was limited to a prescribed capped amount) was, for taxpayers below the age of 65, replaced by an MTC.
  • This became effective on 1 March 2012, which is the commencement date of the 2013 year of assessment for individuals.
  • The taxpayer is entitled to claim an MTC if contributions are paid to a medical scheme.The taxpayer may also claim an allowance for other qualifying medical expenses.
  • Medical expenses may therefore be divided into two distinct categories, namely –
    • (i) contributions paid to a medical scheme; and
    • (ii) other qualifying medical expenses (including out-of-pocket expenses)

Next week we will be discussing ….What is Medical  Scheme Fees Tax Credits? Join us for this series and find out exactly how medical aid credits work

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