People who pay income tax are generally individuals who earn an income e.g. from a salary, commission, fees, etc.
If you earn under R350 000 for a full year from one employer (that’s your total salary income before tax) and have no other sources of additional income (for example, interest or rental income) and no deductions that you want to claim (for example medical expenses, travel or retirement annuities), then you don’t need to submit a return.
Still unsure whether you need to submit? Click here and SARS will help you to see whether you need to submit a tax return or not.
Corporate tax includes tax paid by companies or close corporations, as well as trusts, on their annual income.
Most of the State’s income is derived from Income Tax (personal and corporate tax), although nearly a third of total revenue from national government taxes comes from indirect taxes, primarily Value-Added Tax (VAT).
People who pay income tax are generally individuals who earn an income (from a salary, commission, fees, etc.).
Corporate tax includes tax paid by companies or close corporations, as well as trusts, on their annual income.
Most of the State’s income is derived from Income Tax (personal and corporate tax), although nearly a third of total revenue from national government taxes comes from indirect taxes, primarily Value-Added Tax (VAT).
South Africa has a residence-based tax system, which means residents are, subject to certain exclusions, taxed on their worldwide income, irrespective of where their income was earned. By contrast, non-residents are taxed on their income from a South African source.
Non-residents pay tax on their income from a South African source.
Pay Solutions have experienced consultants who can advise on certain aspects of Taxation. For more general queries please contact SARS directly.