Address: 8 Houlton Drive, Palm Beach, 4275, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa | Tel: 031 702 0449 | Fax: 086 605 2670

Compensation Fund Bursary

Compensation Fund is offering Compensation Fund Bursary opportunity to workers who cannot return to current work due to injuries or diseases sustained at work and unemployed Compensation Fund pensioners who suffered occupational injuries, as a result, acquired a disablement are invited to apply for the bursary to improve their knowledge and skills to return to work or be economically active.



Are you an injured worker who cannot return to current work due to injuries sustained at work?

Are you an unemployed Compensation Fund pensioner who suffered occupational injuries as a result acquired disability

and wishes to improve skills to return to work or be economically active?

Are you a Person with Disabilities willing to further your studies at TVET, CET or HEI ?

The Compensation Fund is inviting previously employed personnel who suffered occupational injuries or diseases as a result

acquired a permanent disablement and Persons with Disabilities to apply for Vocational Rehabilitation bursary Scheme. The

applicants must have been accepted at a recognised Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) public colleges,

Community Education and Training (CET) or Higher Education Institution (HEI).

Eligibility requirements:  First-year students in 2020  Fully completed application form  Compensation Fund pension number where applicable Proof of residence  Certified copies of Identity card /book  Copy of your highest school grade or qualification  Proof of acceptance / preliminary acceptance from recognised training institutions. Certification and verification of disability by a Health Care Professional or Disability Support Office.

Preference will be given to applicants who excel in their studies and/or demonstrate potential  If you do not receive a response from the Department a month after submission of your application, consider your application unsuccessful.

What the bursary covers:  Tuition fees, Prescribed Study Material, Monthly Stipend and Accommodation where applicable. 

The award is renewable every year depending on the availability of funds and academic performance of students.

The closing date for submission of applications is on the 31st March 2020.

(no late applications will be accepted)

How to apply for this opportunity: Download and complete the Injured Worker’s Bursary Scheme Application Form 2019/2020

from the website or visit your nearest Provincial Office or Labour Centres for the application forms. You can also contact the Vocational Rehabilitation office for assistance on 012 319 9264. Make sure that you also acquire proof of acceptance or preliminary acceptance from a recognised training institution.

Submit a fully completed and signed application form along with the following documents: Certified copy of Identity Document/Smart Card, Copy of your highest school grade or qualification, Proof of residence (not older than three months),

Acceptance letter from the institution, Study Fee Quotations and Certification or verification of disability by a Health Care Professional or Disability Support Office.

Submit your application via post:The Director

Directorate: Vocational Rehabilitation

Department of Employment and Labour

Compensation Fund

Private bag x 955



For enquiries related to this bursary programme, please contact

Official Cluster Contact number

Ms Vivi Khoza GP, KZN, FS, LP, MP 012 406 5709/ 066 305 7827

Mr Ntsodi Mafa GP, KZN, FS, LP, MP 012 319 9264/ 066 056 3720

Mr Vumile Mofana EC, WC, NC, NW, GP 012 406 5708/ 071 613 1828

Mr Luyolo Fani EC, WC, NC, NW, GP 012 319 9264/ 082 886 9452