Address: 8 Houlton Drive, Palm Beach, 4275, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa | Tel: 031 702 0449 | Fax: 086 605 2670

Wayne Zeidler

Pay Solutions were engaged by The Unlimited in 2007 to provide an outsourced payroll service` At that stage there were approximately 289 employees who were employed by 2 different legal
entities. Since then the business has grown to 740 employees with 4 payrolls being run for us by Pay Solutions.

When we were looking for somebody to provide a payroll service to our business, aside from the normal factors that one would take into consideration, (such as costs, accuracy, track record,
reliability, risk mitigating plans! measures, etc.) we wanted somebody that would be a partner to us. We wanted someone who would take the effort to understand our business and Why We
needed to work to very tight payroll timelines and needed a degree of flexibility at times around deadlines (We run 4 payrolls with approximately 130 engagements and 90 terminations a month).

Shirley and her team have not disappointed in this regard, They have provided exceptional service to us and do not hesitate in going the extra mile. A good example of this is the manner in which
they have responded to the unreliable Telkom communication links. When faults have occurred at critical times Shirley has sent members of her team to Work in offices, thereby ensuring
payrolls were run on time.

We have been extremely happy with the service and relationship We have had from Shirley and her team and would not hesitate to recommend her to anyone looking for a professional, efficient and
reliable payroll service provider.

Wayne ZeidlerHR ManagerThe Unlimited